Caregiver Video Libraries

Reach, Teach & Support Across the Continuum of Care

24/7. What They Need. When They Need It. Where They Are.

Our 3 video libraries help you span the continuum of care from serious illness and palliative care through hospice and bereavement care. We equip you with 24/7 web-based libraries, branded to your organization, with training tools for your teams to use with the caregivers and families you serve.

  • Family Support Through Serious Illness
  • Hospice Training for Caregivers & Families
    • Optional Add-On: Entrenamiento paliativo para cuidadores y familias
  • Want to Understand Your Grief?
    • Optional Add-On: Quieres entender tu duelo?



  • Adult Learning: Visual. Auditory. Tactile. Microlearning. Flipped learning.
  • Expert, evidence-based content, delivered in a warm, engaging style
  • Blend your team’s 1:1 live teaching with these online education videos for the family’s many mini-teachable moments, at and between team visits
  • Smartphones, tablets/iPads, computers
  • Contents written to CMS Hospice Conditions of Participations, CMS CAHPS Hospice Survey, contemporary loss/grief research and best clinical practices, collective end-of-life care case studies
  • Clinically reviewed by national interdisciplinary palliative, hospice, and grief experts
  • Written and produced by Joy Berger, DMA, FT, BCC, MT-BC

Family Support through Serious Illness – Video Library

Reach & Teach All Family Members

  • Tending the caregiver and family’s needs
  • For families coping with serious illness, palliative, and/or hospice care
  • 30 videos, 4 minutes each
  • 24/7 access for the entire family, local and long distance
  • Written to the CMS Hospice Conditions of Participation, where “family” is identified 423 times
  • Training guide for teams to use with caregivers/families
  • Prepare your employees with our “Empathy for Hospice Professionals”

Prepare All Employees & Volunteers

Hospice Training for Caregivers and Families – Video Library

Reach and Teach All Family Members

  • Tending the patient’s needs, from the caregiver & family’s perspective
  • Excellent for helping short Length of Stay family members understand changes that are occurring
  • 10 videos, 5 minutes each
  • Plus “10-In-10” preview of all 10 videos in 10 minutes; great, simple overview for families
  • Content correlates with the CMS CAHPS Hospice Survey
  • Training guide for teams to use with caregivers/families
  • Prepare your employees and volunteers with its companion, “CAHPS Hospice Training for Teams”
  • Entrenamiento palliativo para cuidadores y familias: optional add-on;  Spanish versions of our 10 “Hospice Training for Caregivers & Families” Video Library

Prepare Your Teams

Want to Understand Your Grief? – Video Library

Composing Life's "Want to Understand Your Grief?" Video Library

Support All Who Experience Loss & Grief

  • For bereaved caregivers, families, friends, donors, community
  • 12 videos, approximately 7 min each
  • Reflection Guide pdf for each video, to use with counselees, support groups, and community education
  • Use as blended education (live and online) for grief support groups and counselees
  • Thank and support your donors
  • Engage and support your community
  • Written to contemporary grief/loss theory and research, clinical best practices, and user-friendly language
  • Quieres entender tu duelo?: optional add-on; Spanish translations of “Want to Understand Your Grief?” Video Library

Bonus Video: For Coping with Natural Disasters and Community Tragedies

What Is Useful for You?